The Deer Island Chamber of Commerce welcomes both business and individual membership from people who care about our community. We work to promote and improve trade and tourism and civic, economic, and social welfare on Deer Island. The Chamber is governed by a board of Directors, which includes a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and directors at large.
Why Join the Chamber?
The Chamber is designed to support your business or service
The Chamber serves its members and the public, including welcoming tourists and new members to the community
The Chamber informs the community about business and other relevant information
The Chamber identifies public issues, but avoids purely partisan political ones
The Chamber is often the mediator in disputes
The Chamber helps create job opportunities through the stimulation of industrial and commercial growth
The Chamber encourages the improvement of community facilities and the development of human resources
The Chamber has the honor of presenting awards, acknowledging new business development, and introducing dignitaries to the community
The Chamber creates a legislative climate in which businesses can profit and increase employment, broadening the tax base
The Chamber is the local fundraiser, event planner and business partner
Modern Chambers of Commerce provide members with significant promotional services and tools to help local businesses. These are especially valuable for home-based businesses. Attracting tourists and sustainable new business to the island helps the community by improving the quality of life, creating jobs and increasing tax revenue.
Show Support for the Island and Join the Chamber of Commerce
Print and fill out the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION. Annual membership fees: Business - $100 CAD Individual - $25 CAD
Send the application with your membership payment to: 950 Route 772 Fairhaven, NB E5V 1P5 or you can email your application and payment to [email protected] Membership fees are payable by cash, cheque (made out to Deer Island Chamber of Commerce) or money order